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Malcolm Lilenthal

(the metronome)

drums & percussion


Malcolm comes to The Wi-Fi's through friendly introductions (as most bandmates do). He's a great guy to have on the kit. Malcolm also plays plays in his church worship band from behind an acrylic screen, (keeps the congregation safe from his overwhelming desire to rock). 

Malcolm helps keep the beat driving forward, we're glad he's a Wi-Fi.

BC Nichols



BC has been singing in the shower since he was five.

BC played in his first band at age 15 & never gave up his passion for listening to & playing great music of all types, (...but he loves to rock).

BC is our showman, he'll dance with you or by himself all night long; take a picture if you can, he's usually running all over the place rocking the house down.

BC (Brian) provides lead vocals, plays rhythm guitar, 12 string, acoustic guitar, percussion & drums

Stan Pritchard



Stan has played his beloved Flying V for more years than most of you have fingers & toes (unless your one of those wierdos with four or five extras).


Stan is a driving force with the guitar who makes us look like we know what we're doing.

Stan plays lead guitar, guitar synth, 12 string, vocals & keyboards.

Stan is an accomplished writer & musician who are sure will impress your rock & roll ears.

Austin Hull

bass / guitar / vocals


Austin is a legitimate multi-instrumentalist who plays Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, mandolin & will figure out whatever else he picks up.

Austin writes in addition to being a great musician. 

Austin slaps the bass as part of The Wi-Fi rhythm section & drives his beat up to your front door then right between your ears. Don't be surprised to see Austin pick up the 12 string or play some lead guitar at a Wi-Fi's show...

It could happen.

The Wi-Fi's

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